‘HIDING!’ Is Out! — The Most Thought-Provoking Book You’ll Ever Read.

Cry Me A River!


Growing up, I always thought I knew or at least that I was viewing life rightly, however, it wasn’t until say, my mid to late twenties that I realized that there was this coherence and unity to life that I never really contemplated or had been allowed to grow into.

To a large extent, this coherent world that I was missing out on that possessed highly balanced vibrations had to do with the natural environment — trees, water bodies, animals, and a certain ‘sense’ of balance, gratitude, and, wait for it — connection.

Once I had a taste of this coherent intrinsic connection to the world around me, I yearned more and more each day to contemplate what the word, ‘natural’ meant to me.

Going down this part also opened me to a source of wisdom and harmony, as well. I am not referring to specific labels like veganism, et cetera, no. I am however referring to the feeling that comes with feeling connected to nature. You begin to cherish the little things like raindrops, sunsets, and oxygen, and you begin to care for other species in the environment because you can genuinely feel a connection and you can also see bits and parts of yourself in them. You also begin to think and feel better about yourself.


Fast forward to 2016 when I first attempted to write a book about my gut feelings and fondness as regards this topic. Try as I might, the writing juices were not flowing and I barely wrote three pages of convoluted material. I thus dropped my pen as I realized I wasn’t ready yet.


Next, in 2023, around the middle of the year (I had released four books by now), the vision for the book, ‘HIDING!’ came to me and I was able to produce a few chapters — about a third of the entire content. But there was still a lot of work to be done and I was juggling other projects at the time. Still, ‘HIDING’ continued to brew in my mental space. This was shortly after I published my first ever article in the ‘nature and environment’ category, here on Medium in The Environment Publication.

Some of the Topics Discussed in HIDING! © BEFIBRILLATOR
Some of the Topics Discussed in HIDING! © BEFIBRILLATOR

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to inform you of my fifth official publication in the public domain.

It’s been over a year since my last book but I can tell you that ‘HIDING!’ is well worth the wait.

Available on all the major ebook platforms as well as a printed paperback, HIDING! paints a perspective of man’s erroneous and unethical relationship with the earth and with one another, and it also provides a blueprint of how things could be better and more appreciated. Among the less controversial topics of discussion include ‘MAN’, ‘WOMAN’, ‘TRENDS’, ‘COMPLICATED WORLD”, ‘RACISM’, ‘EVOLUTION’, and “GOD”. There are also some controversial chapters and bits of writing to keep you chewing your straw because of some of Dr. Adeboye’s profound insights.

Overall, HIDING! has it all; like it says in the EPIGRAPH, ‘HIDING!’ is about what is right, what is wrong, what needs to be improved, and what needs to stop!

Go ahead, Order Your Printed Copy Now! Or purchase the Kindle or E-book version!




Dr. Adeboye Oluwajuyitan⚡The Befibrillator
Dr. Adeboye Oluwajuyitan⚡The Befibrillator

Written by Dr. Adeboye Oluwajuyitan⚡The Befibrillator

Poet Therapist, Designer & Health Coach. If you would like me to write a poem for you (therapeutic), email us - info@befibrillator.com. www.befibrillator.com.

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